Improving Cornhole Earning Points and Getting World Ranked

Improving Cornhole Earning Points and Getting World Ranked. Rack up points by consistently performing well in ACO tournaments to climb the world rankings and become an elite cornhole player. The path to cornhole glory involves earning valuable ranking points at every ACO event you play to boost your world ranking.

How can I get ACO World Ranking points?

You get points by playing in ACO tournaments. The more points you earn, the higher your ACO world ranking will be. Your world ranking is used to put you in the right skill groups for future tournaments. It also decides if you can win prizes like jerseys, player/team awards, entry to special tournaments like Cornyforty and TopGun Twenty, and if you qualify for the ACO World Championships of Cornhole. So by earning points in ACO tournaments, you improve your ranking and get opportunities for prizes and big championships.

Where can I see my ACO World Ranking?

After you play in an ACO tournament where you can earn points, your name will be on the list of ACO World Rankings for that season. Click the button below to look up your name. You will be able to see how many points you have earned and what your current world ranking is.


Which ACO Tournaments Give You Ranking Points?

ACO Regional tournaments and ACO Major tournaments are the ones where you can earn points towards your ranking.

ACO State Championships, ACO Festivals, and the ACO Worlds do not give you ranking points.

Hint: To build up your ACO world ranking points or to qualify for the Worlds tournament, you should play in several Regional and Major tournaments throughout the season.

Also, at the Regional and Major events, the main ACO divisions like Singles and Doubles give you ranking points. But the walk-up tournaments like Bring Your Own Partner Quads and Blind Draws do not give ranking points – those are just for fun and prize money!

How Are ACO World Ranking Points Calculated?

ACO Regionals:
For the regionals, your 8 best finishes (placings) during the season count towards your total points. After your 9th regional, your lowest score gets dropped, and so on.

The points for each placing are:
1st Place = 25 points
2nd Place = 24 points
3rd Place = 23 points
4th Place = 22 points
Tied for 5th Place = 20 points
Tied for 7th Place = 18 points
Tied for 9th Place = 16 points
Tied for 13th Place = 14 points
Tied for 17th Place = 12 points

ACO Majors:
For the majors, your 4 best finishes during the season count for your total points. After your 5th major, your lowest score gets dropped.

The points for each placing are:
1st Place = 50 points
2nd Place = 49 points
3rd Place = 48 points
4th Place = 47 points
Tied for 5th Place = 45 points
Tied for 7th Place = 43 points
Tied for 9th Place = 41 points
Tied for 13th Place = 39 points
Tied for 17th Place = 37 points
Tied for 25th Place = 35 points
Tied for 33rd Place = 33 points
Tied for 49th-64th Place = 31 points”

How do I see the results and brackets for the tournaments I have played so far?

Go to the Tournament Results and Brackets page to learn how to find that information on Scoreholio.

First, go to this page

…or if you already know how to use it, you can go directly to the Scoreholio Results page.

Scoreholio Results Page

Who are the best Cornhole players at the moment?

The ACO World Rankings show the best cornhole players in the world right now – these Rankings change throughout the Season.

The ACO-PROs are the top 80 players from the previous Season, and continuing into the current Season.

The Corny 40 are the top 40 players from the ACO-PROs.

The TopGun 20 are the top 20 doubles teams in the ACO.

Where can I find information on ACO Tournament Champions?

You can find the ACO Players of the Season and World Champions.

You can also find the ACO Major Champions.

If you are looking for results from all past ACO Tournaments, go to Scoreholio and search for “ACO” along with the tournament name.

What does it take to become the ACO World Champion?

The Path to Worlds: Here’s how to go from now… to becoming the ACO World Singles Champion (King or Queen of Cornhole)

  • First, become an ACO Member and start playing. You’ve done this step.
  • To make it to Worlds, you have to qualify first. Up to 540 qualified singles players are accepted into the Singles Division at Worlds. To qualify, you must play in at least 5 ACO Tournaments (Majors or Regionals) in the Singles Division during the year-long ACO Season. Or, you can finish the Season in the “Corny 40” (the top 40 ranked singles players of the Season).
  • You then qualify for Worlds and register to play, along with up to 540 other players who enter the “RPI” pool play qualifiers at Worlds (that’s the Ranked Players Invitational).
  • You advance through three different tiers of “Pool Play” mini brackets in double elimination tournaments. A minimum of 54 players advance to the three Worlds Singles Bracket tiers.
  • You advance through three different tiers of Worlds Singles Brackets in double elimination tournaments. Up to 4 players advance to the Worlds Singles Championship.
  • You beat 3 other players on Championship Night to become the ACO World Singles Champion, and the King or Queen of Cornhole!

How can I become an ACO-PRO player?

There are two ways to achieve (or maintain) ACO-PRO status. A player only needs to meet one of these goals:

  1. At the end of the season: Finish in the Top 80 of the ACO World Singles Rankings, or
  2. At the ACO World Championships: Finish in the Top 96 in the ACO World Singles event.

Benefits of Becoming an ACO-PRO

  • Earn a free ACO-PRO jersey (if you are in the top 80 ranked players)
  • Eligible to purchase an ACO-PRO jersey (if you finish in the top 96 at the World Singles)
  • Eligible for ACO-PRO Series tournaments or other invitational events during the season
  • Receive an ACO-PRO Facebook cover image (emailed to you in August of each year)
  • Bragging rights!

More Information About Professional Cornhole

What is the ACO Pro Series of Cornhole?

The ACO Pro Series Tour is a special tournament only for ACO Pro players. It is live-streamed from 10 cities across the United States that are part of the ACO Majors Tour. Registered ACO-PRO players can participate in Round 1, which happens from 9am to 12pm on the Friday of each Major event. All players who have ACO-PRO status are invited to take part for free.

You can follow this tournament tour.


How do I earn ACO World Ranking points?

You earn ranking points by playing in ACO Regional and Major tournaments. The better you place, the more points you get towards your world ranking.

Where can I see my current ACO world ranking?

Click the “ACO WORLD RANKINGS” button to look up your name and see how many points you’ve earned so far this season and what your ranking is.

How are the ranking points calculated?

For Regionals, your 8 best finishes count with points awarded based on your place (e.g. 1st=25 pts, 2nd=24 pts). For Majors, your 4 best finishes count with higher point values (e.g. 1st=50 pts).

What does it take to become the ACO World Champion?

You must qualify by playing in at least 5 tournaments that season or being in the “Corny 40” top players. Then you advance through pool play and bracket rounds at the World Championships event.

How do I become an ACO-PRO player?

Finish the season in the top 80 of the world rankings, or place in the top 96 of the World Singles event. This earns pro status with benefits like free jerseys.

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