St. Paul Becomes Cornhole World Champion

St. Paul Becomes Cornhole World Champion

St. Paul Becomes Cornhole World Champion

St. Paul Becomes Cornhole World Champion, Dia Lee of St. Paul is the reigning queen of cornhole, a game involving tossing bean bags through an opening in a board. She works hard and should be happy for what she has.

The pandemic brought cornhole into Dia’s life three years ago. Now, in Minneapolis with her husband and other weekly players, she travels the country entering contests.

According to Dia, the game is more difficult than you would expect. She recently won a major and turned professional. Some more Minnesotans have accomplished this, but certainly not a lot of other people.

A pro can play her on TV after the broadcast and perhaps eligibility for sponsorsThe first — prize money is nice too! Dia is thrilled but also knows not to be too hard on herself official website is here.

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