Cornhole Tournament Raises $70K for Special Olympics Maine

Cornhole Tournament Raises $70K for Special Olympics Maine

Cornhole Tournament Raises $70K for Special Olympics Maine

A Cornhole Tournament Raises $70K for Special Olympics Maine and a related club. This was the fourth year of the event, and it had more people than ever before. About 80 teams played, and the top three teams won money prizes.

Before the games started, people remembered three important people who had passed away. Their families and friends spoke about them and threw the first bags in their honor.

Two people got an award for helping the community. They also said who would run the event next year.

People could buy things in auctions and raffles. Prizes included food, wine, sports tickets, and trips.

There was a special game where someone won $250 for throwing a bag in the hole.

Someone from Special Olympics Maine thanked everyone for coming and helping. They said Special Olympics Maine does many events each year to help people with disabilities play sports and feel included.

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